Exhibitor Grand Prizes

Exhibitor Grand Prizes

The Exhibitor Grand Prizes reward the best products, services and innovations of the year.

Open to all exhibitors and partners

Best Service 2025

Best Product 2025

Best Innovation 2025

Discover the nominees in a Flipbook containing all the entries and the winners on site on the first day of the show.

Open to all exhibitors and partners

  • 3 GRAND PRIZES (several winners possible)

Service / Product / Innovation

  • Each participant is present in the form of a full page (photo   description) on a free GRANDS PRIX Flipbook distributed to all visitors before the show (  promotional visuals for nominees and winners)
  • Promotion of named Exhibitors from the opening of the Show
  • Prize giving on stand at 6 p.m. day 1 (after Jury visit during the day)
  • Jury composed of the editorial team of La Lettre Pro and specialist consultants

Application for the Exhibitor Grand Prizes

The Exhibitor Grand Prizes are to be ordered on the application form for participation in the Show. You can fill in this form to submit your application. If you have not chosen the Exhibitor Grand Prix on the application form, we will charge you the participation fee at the rate indicated on the application form.

If you wish to submit several GRAND PRIZES, you must complete one form per PRIZE.


The general rules (in french) and criteria to follow are available by clicking HERE.

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